Many people would describe Sadhri practice as a spiritual treasure box from a lost tradition in Yoga. From the outside, it appears to be a lengthy meditation where two people sit facing each other and breathe in complex rhythms. Sometimes they open and close their eyes, and sometimes they gently touch their practice partner. Through Sadhri, we unlock a hidden power within our bodies. Many would call this power Kundalini, but who truly knows? While practicing Sadhri, it feels pleasant and beautiful. The shift to awareness comes silently, like a tornado appearing behind you. This enormous snake bites you from behind, but you do not even feel it. Sadhri is so soft, so perfect, so gentle in its performance. There is no nudity and almost no touch, yet it unleashes powers you have never experienced before. Sadhri is not about finding your perfect life partner, but strangely, it often connects people who have never met or spoken before.
For many hours, we will perform sophisticated breath rhythms related to cleansing (Shodana), gestures (Mudra), breathwork (Pranayama), concentration (Dharana), and meditation (Dhyana). These rhythms connect to the gross body (Sthula Sharira), the energy body (Sukshma Sharira), and the causal body (Karana Sharira). The memory of the causal body ultimately causes rebirth through seed impressions (Samskara). Fortunately, we do not need to understand all of this during the practice. We learn to go through these practices “empty,” without the burden of knowledge. We approach Sadhri like children playing yoga. On the surface, this practice unleashes an enormous amount of life energy. Each person going through this procedure will experience different effects on their destiny and movements of karma. Although this is an advanced practice, no prior knowledge of yoga is required. The entire procedure is done sitting—no handstands, no postures.
You want to learn Sadhri? Get in touch and book a call!